Views: 35Two European Commissioners commented on the recent Council’s outcomes and acknowledged its conclusions on some vital issues, such as green deal, climate mitigation and the new EU-wide environmental action program. General opinion is that the conclusions have been timely and satisfactory efforts in the right direction.
Month: June 2024
Emission trading system in Europe: support for the member states
Views: 62The European Union has disbursed about €3 billion via the Modernisation Fund in order to finance about forty energy developing projects in 10 EU member states. These investments will support the modernisation of energy systems, reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the energy, industry and transport sectors, and improving energy efficiency.
European annual budget: priorities for 2025
Views: 65The Commission has proposed an annual EU budget of about €200 billion for 2025; besides, it will be complemented by approximately €72 billion of disbursements under the NextGenerationEU program. This substantial financial envelope is aimed at supporting the EU member states actions in meeting their political-economy’s priorities while integrating the changes agreed in the […]
Skilled workforce for net-zero development: European educational priorities
Views: 53EU strategic net-zero technologies manufacturing capacity is expected to reach about 40 percent of the member states’ deployment needs by 2030. European Net-Zero Industry Act foresees the creation of several “net-zero academies” focusing on specific technologies in order to ensure that the net-zero sectors in the states are having sufficient skilled workforce.
European Semester: spring forecast shows gradual expansion amid high geopolitical risks
Views: 90The European Semester has played a crucial role in supporting strong and coordinated economic policy responses over the past five years, as the EU was confronted by a series of extraordinary challenges. The EU has demonstrated a high degree of economic and social resilience in the face of major shocks, such as post-pandemic complexities, […]
Artificial intelligence and data-driven innovation: new rules
Views: 79Making more public datasets available for reuse is the new aspect in the EU digital regulations. The so-called “high-value datasets” are already containing information on six thematic areas laid out in the Open Data Directive (effective from mid-2019): i.e. geospatial, earth observation and environment, meteorological, statistics, companies and mobility issues. Besides, the Implementing Regulation […]
Financing the EU priorities and integration through the external bonds
Views: 42According to the EU law, the European Commission is empowered to borrow from the international capital markets on behalf of the 27 member states. The EU has a well-established name in the global securities markets with a positive track record of bond issuances over the past 40 years. All issuances executed by the Commission […]
Digital tools in education: AI and ChatGPT
Views: 39Several higher education institutions are already actively using in various education processes some generative AI tools and ChatGPT. Increasingly implementing AI chatbots and other tools help to enhance the teaching and learning experiences. Some basic knowledge of AI and other machine-learning tools could serve as a viable supplement for inspiring the readers and others […]
Artificial intelligence in governance: new perspectives
Views: 98Modern advances in science, technology and innovations, particularly in ICT and computer sciences, enable states to “revolutionize” the governance processes at global, sub regional and national levels. Some states are already developing more sophisticated, enduring, detailed and perspective socio-economic governance models with adequate digital regulatory solutions. The use of AI can serve as a […]
European banks and financial sector in need of additional efficiency
Views: 40A vital goal of the European integration process is to make the EU-wide financial system more efficient. To ensure the financial system orderly functioning and stability, the European Banking Authority, EBA is monitoring and analyzing risks and vulnerabilities relevant to the regulations for banks, investment companies and firms. EBA also facilitates information sharing among […]