EU finances: the role of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Views: 2The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, EIOPA plays a vital role in the EU-wide financial stability, e.g. in avoiding risks, in formulating digital strategy and transformation, as well as in using blockchain framework, crypto currencies and in approaching supervisory technologies. 

Consumer protection in Europe: combating sneaky practices

Views: 9Commission’s actions adopted recently are specifically focusing on the assessment of Meta’s practices under the EU consumer legislation. The action started in 2023, immediately after Meta requested consumers either to subscribe to use Facebook and Instagram against a fee or to consent to Meta’s use of their personal data to be shown personalized ads, […]

Anatomy of digital finance in the European Union

Views: 15The EU-wide specific financial framework, i.e. the capital markets union, has been at the heart of the Commission’s ambition in boosting growth, supporting innovation and promoting European global competitiveness. The EU financial sector has the potential to multiply sustainable finance and become a global leader in this area. The sector is having also a […]

Altered European political economy: challenges and solutions

Views: 10European Union is a constantly moving and adapting “mechanism” for the continental integration. Recently, the EU leaders have abandoned, in part or in whole, the previous political-economy’s theories and principles they cherished for so long; hence the EU-27, as it seems, has set aside the geopolitical corporate competition. However, the leaders are trying to […]

European economy and eurozone: challenges abound

Views: 17Resilient fiscal policies are needed in the euro area and specifically in the EU states with high debt and deficit levels. Given the modern uncertainties, fiscal policies must be prepared to adapt quickly, with prudence in spending and readiness to respond to possible risks. Two main “sub-unions” play vital role: the Economic and Monetary […]

European digital payments: “mobile wallets” and the Apple case

Views: 23European digital legislation ensures effective hardware and software’s interoperability and opens up competition in this sector, e.g. by preventing Apple from excluding other mobile wallets from the iPhone’s system. Now competitors are able to compete with Apple Pay for mobile payments in shops and Apple cannot keep other mobile wallets out of the market. […]

Climate change and the “green deal”: the EU at a cross-road

Views: 8The European climate objectives of the green deal are widely shared and consensual among the EU leaders and newly elected European legislators in the Parliament. Commission insisted that the goals of climate protection and nature conservation would remain unchanged for the next several years. After consultation with industry and farmers, the Commission has “proposed […]

EU financial services: digital perspectives

Views: 10Most productive EU-wide attention to digital-type financial services dates back to consultations on fin-tech in 2017 devoted to facilitating a more competitive and innovative European financial sector. Then around 2021, the central banks digital currency, CBDC has become a hot issue: several central banks around the world were considering options of adopting virtual currencies. […]

Managing low-carbon economy: main priorities and controversies

Views: 12The main pathways to low-carbon economic development, often called “deep decarbonization” proceed mainly through energy policy and nature conservation, sustainability and governance’s efficiency, etc. In essence, it is about consuming less energy, using available resources more efficiently in construction (both private and public), in transportation and industrial development.