Artificial intelligence for sustainability: education and skills

Views: 12The United Nations Higher Education Sustainability Initiative, HESI initiated a Global Forum-2024 on “The Future of Higher Education for Sustainable Development”. This annual HESI event was held in New York in mid-July as a special conference devoted to coming this fall the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, the UN’s main platform for reviewing […]

European “digital decade”: strengthening the EU-wide digital transformation

Views: 12European Commission has published the second report on the State of the Digital Decade, providing a comprehensive overview of the progress towards achieving the digital objectives and targets set for 2030. The 2024-report is accompanied by an analysis of the EU member states’ “digital decade strategic roadmaps” detailing the planned national measures, actions and […]

European science/research and innovation performance in 2024

Views: 14Recently published the 2024 edition of the Science, Research and Innovation (R&I) Performance report, SRIP-24 has shown that over the past two decades the EU increased investments in R&I which contributed to the EU’s competitiveness in green technologies and, specifically, in the overall EU-wide high quality research. However, the challenges remain and the EU […]

Boosting cooperation among European higher education providers: new funding

Views: 16Recent Commission’s Erasmus+ call for the European Universities in 2024 provides additional support to alliances of higher education institutions. According to this call, 14 new alliances of higher education in Europe uniting 50 previously selected alliances will receive up to €14.4 million each over a period of four years. The 2024 Erasmus+ call was […]

Skilled workforce for net-zero development: European educational priorities

Views: 18EU strategic net-zero technologies manufacturing capacity is expected to reach about 40 percent of the member states’ deployment needs by 2030. European Net-Zero Industry Act foresees the creation of several “net-zero academies” focusing on specific technologies in order to ensure that the net-zero sectors in the states are having sufficient skilled workforce.  

Digital tools in education: AI and ChatGPT

Views: 13Several higher education institutions are already actively using in various education processes some generative AI tools and ChatGPT. Increasingly implementing AI chatbots and other tools help to enhance the teaching and learning experiences. Some basic knowledge of AI and other machine-learning tools could serve as a viable supplement for inspiring the readers and others […]

AI in education, science and research: comprehensive overview

Views: 22Spheres of research that use generative AI are expanding rapidly both across the world and through almost all science’s discipline. Experts are of the opinion that the process is not only accelerating but basically transforming scientific knowledge and the work of education providers. University World News has published a series of articles on AI […]

Carbon neutral sources of energy: European vision

Views: 15According to the EU ambitious plans, the member states should transform national economies in line with the EU-wide integrated approaches using sufficient instruments and promoting the most energy efficient and renewable source for all developmental sectors. Besides, the approach will be supplemented by promoting a system efficiency leading to a reduction of energy required […]

Practical guidance to the AI’s future: Scandinavian initiative

Views: 20Artificial intelligent experts, business leaders and policy makers are governing at the Future Talent Summit in Stockholm (June 18-19) to discuss the AI’s impact on numerous social, corporate, educational and cultural issues. It is regarded as the most influential AI conference this year in Europe and the world with regarding a “paradigm shift” in […]

Tackling labor market and skills shortage in EU

Views: 16European Commission tries to implement previous initiatives to strengthen the lack of new skills and professions needed for labor market which is facing numerous modern challenges, such as climate and digital, sustainability and circular economy, etc. The member states political economy’s patterns are already prioritizing economic, social and environmental aspects in development and investing […]