Views: 20The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, EIOPA plays a vital role in the EU-wide financial stability, e.g. in avoiding risks, in formulating digital strategy and transformation, as well as in using blockchain framework, crypto currencies and in approaching supervisory technologies.
Category: Labor market
Climate change and the “green deal”: the EU at a cross-road
Views: 14The European climate objectives of the green deal are widely shared and consensual among the EU leaders and newly elected European legislators in the Parliament. Commission insisted that the goals of climate protection and nature conservation would remain unchanged for the next several years. After consultation with industry and farmers, the Commission has “proposed […]
Skilled workforce for net-zero development: European educational priorities
Views: 25EU strategic net-zero technologies manufacturing capacity is expected to reach about 40 percent of the member states’ deployment needs by 2030. European Net-Zero Industry Act foresees the creation of several “net-zero academies” focusing on specific technologies in order to ensure that the net-zero sectors in the states are having sufficient skilled workforce.
European Semester: spring forecast shows gradual expansion amid high geopolitical risks
Views: 36The European Semester has played a crucial role in supporting strong and coordinated economic policy responses over the past five years, as the EU was confronted by a series of extraordinary challenges. The EU has demonstrated a high degree of economic and social resilience in the face of major shocks, such as post-pandemic complexities, […]
Remote work in the European context: following modern challenges
Views: 64The European employment rules are evolving in line with the modern digital challenges: thus, recently the EU introduced some legal means applied both to remote working aspects as well as addressing certain aspects linked to the right to disconnect.
Tackling labor market and skills shortage in EU
Views: 21European Commission tries to implement previous initiatives to strengthen the lack of new skills and professions needed for labor market which is facing numerous modern challenges, such as climate and digital, sustainability and circular economy, etc. The member states political economy’s patterns are already prioritizing economic, social and environmental aspects in development and investing […]
Education policy’s integration: an issue of an EU-wide graduation certificate
Views: 30Educating new workforce to tackle modern challenges has become a vital issue at the contemporary level of European integration. Dealing with a complex composition of climate, sustainability and green transition issues in socio-economic growth requires fundamental reform of national education policies, including acceptance of a “commonly” agreed European graduate certificates.
Digital facilities in education: assisting SDG’s implementation
Views: 32The education providers around the world are experimenting with learning and teaching the newly needed skills and “going out” of conventional classrooms by providing virtual-learning possibilities and technologies.. The problem is actually doubled: it is about global challenges and reforming national education policy to make the process of acquiring new skills more efficient. In […]
Education policy in Latvia: urgent reforms are needed
Views: 60The number of students in Latvia during the last two decades dramatically decreased: from about 131 thousand in 2005 to 74 thousand presently. About half of the students enrolled in 52 higher education institutions are in bachelor programs, about a quarter at masters’ level, three percent are in doctoral programs, plus about 20 percent […]
EU’s platform workers directive: socialists and democrats initiatives
Views: 30Three EU’s legislative institutions reached at the end of 2023 an agreement on the platform workers’ directive aimed to improve the working conditions of more than 28 million gig-workers in the EU member states. However, the final agreement was delayed, which was according to European socialists “a failed opportunity” to show the EU-wide intention […]