Some basic freedoms’ aspects in the EU’s internal market

Visits: 9Membership in the EU means accepting “four basic freedoms of movement”: people, capital, goods, establishing and providing services. They are supposed to cope with the EU-wide main values: representative democracy, equality, rule of law and human rights. Besides they are serving as a safeguard for the European competitiveness in the world.

European social market economy: the concept of stable growth

Visits: 17The European integration “project” with its seventy years experience is based on a specific development model called “social market economy”, in which the member states’ growth sectors are heavily regulated by the EU institutions. Particularly, the post-pandemic period has shown the growing amount of the EU support for “managing” the states in the transition […]

Education policy in Latvia: urgent reforms are needed

Visits: 26The number of students in Latvia during the last two decades dramatically decreased: from about 131 thousand in 2005 to 74 thousand presently. About half of the students enrolled in 52 higher education institutions are in bachelor programs, about a quarter at masters’ level, three percent are in doctoral programs, plus about 20 percent […]

EU’s renewables: third project in the hydrogen value chain

Visits: 41Although the renewable hydrogen supply chain in Europe is still in a nascent phase, however, the new Hy2Infra project will deploy the initial building blocks of an integrated and open EU-wide renewable hydrogen network. This project was jointly prepared by seven states: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Slovakia.  

EU’s platform workers directive: socialists and democrats initiatives

Visits: 17Three EU’s legislative institutions reached at the end of 2023 an agreement on the platform workers’ directive aimed to improve the working conditions of more than 28 million gig-workers in the EU member states. However, the final agreement was delayed, which was according to European socialists “a failed opportunity” to show the EU-wide intention […]

European market: efforts to adapt to new realities

Visits: 13The European “social market economy” concept is being subject to significant alterations under modern global challenges during last decade, in particular the through the increased digitalisation, new ways of producing and offering goods and services, as well as through the interconnected nature of commercial exchanges. Market definition provides guidance on the principles of the […]

New European Sustainable Development Report: resolute actions needed

Visits: 36At the end of January 2024, the SDSN published the fifth edition of the European Sustainable Development Report, which tracks annually since 2019 the performance of the EU member states and partner countries on the UN 17 SDGs. Suggested ten priority actions provide for serious transformations in the EU-wide policies towards SDGs.  

Investing in the EU-wide science, research and innovation: latest outcomes

Visits: 65Since 2014, there were eight EU-wide research and innovation funding programs with a budget of about €80 billion; Horizon 2020 (officially called Horizon Europe) is presently a functioning one for the coming decade. Its objectives are to stimulate economic growth, create jobs, foster collaboration in research and innovation, support excellent science and industrial leadership […]

Enhancing European economic security: new efforts

Visits: 34The EU is the biggest export-import region: on the global scene, it is exporting over €3.1 trillion in goods and services and importing €2.8 trillion yearly. However, at a time of profound geopolitical turmoil and rapid technological changes, there are serious threats about the risks involved. During several last years the EU has learned […]