Conference on the European future: closer to a final stage

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This is a short reminder for our readers that follow the work of the Conference on the Future of Europe: at the end of March, it is seen being closer to the final phase, following last exchanges on preliminary draft proposals across all the conferences’ main themes. 

The plenary and the nine conference’s working groups started preparing the conference’s final proposals at a meeting held on 25-26 March in the European Parliament in Strasbourg with the possibility of remote participation.
Preliminary drafts, prepared by the chairs of the working groups and citizens’ spokespersons assisted by the common conference’s secretariat, were discussed by all members of the plenary. EU-wide participation has been secures by the citizens, MEPs, national parliamentarians, representatives of the Council, the Commission, social partners, civil society and representatives of local and regional authorities.
The prepared drafts were mainly based on recommendations from the European Citizens’ Panels and national panels, with the ideas gathered through the Multilingual Digital Platform, as well as with other inputs from the debates of plenary and the working groups’ sessions.

Note. More on the conference in the EII’s previous article:
Full account on the EU’s project on “European Future” can be seen in my recent book at: Eugene Eteris. European Future: Main Challenges in Modern Integration Process. – Lambert Academic Publish. 2021. The link to the book in: The book’s version in foreign languages at:

It is vital to see the Commission’s official opinion: thus, Vice-President for Democracy and Demography, Dubravka Šuica, underlined that the conference “is a celebration of European values” and an account of “much progress being made” at this crucial stage in the process.
Besides, she also mentioned a “continued commitment to reaching proposals by consensus, with citizens always firmly at the heart of the process”.
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The next plenary session is scheduled for 8-9 April in Strasbourg, where the working groups will present their consolidated proposals. The plenary is expected to put forward its final proposals by consensus to the Executive Board in late April, so that the final report can be delivered to the Presidents of the EU institutions on 9 May in Strasbourg.

More information in the following web-links: – Presentation of National Events, stakeholders’ contributions; – Stronger Economy, Social Justice and Jobs; Youth, Education and Culture; Digital Transformation; – European Democracy; Values and Rights, Rule of Law and Security; – Climate Change and the Environment; – Health; – EU in the World; Migration
General reference:


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