Improving family’s work-life balance in the EU: supplementing social agenda

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This August, new work-life balance rights are starting to apply in the EU member states; they are supplementing existing maternity leave rights. The new set of rights will make it easier to share responsibilities between parents (as well as for every parent) and care-takers to balance family’s employment activity with leisure and life-enjoinment. 

Improving “work-life” balance in a modern family has been a focal point in the EU’s social agenda. In order to safeguard professional careers with the optimal so-called “family-life” patterns, the new rules introduce safe-guarding principles for flexible working arrangements, for parental and paternity leaves, etc.

Main aspects in the new rules
= Parental leave:
• At least 4 months of leave per parent, with 2 months paid, which are non-transferable between parents;
• Use any option in taking leaves in flexible form.

= Flexible working arrangements:
• Working parents with children up to at least 8 years old, and all care-takers have the
right to request the following options: – reduced and flexible working hours, – flexibility of the workplace.

= Paternity leave:
• At least 10 working days around birth of the child;
• The amount of compensation shall be at least at the level of sick leave’s amount.

= Care-takers’ leave:
• 5 working days of care-takers’ leave per year for all workers.

General reference to:



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