Striving for sustainable growth: Arab League’s efforts in education

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The Arab League, uniting 22 member states, has adopted a higher education and scientific research framework aimed at leveraging technology, ensuring academic quality and fostering partnerships to position higher education as a driver for achieving global Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs. At the same time, education providers assist in transforming national political economies along the most prospective paths.

The SDGs education and scientific research framework involving sustainability issues was formulated in the Abu Dhabi Declaration agreed at the 19th Conference of Arab Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research at the end of November 2024. The conference was organised by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in collaboration with the Tunisia-based Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation, ALECSO.
According to conference’s participants, the Abu Dhabi Declaration reflected “unified Arab commitment to leveraging technology, ensuring academic quality and fostering partnerships to advance higher education in the region”. Besides, the Secretary-General of the Department of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation in Morocco, Mohamed Khalfaoui, expressed his hope that the conclusions of the conference would contribute to the realisation of “the efficient Arab higher education system’s common vision has had in meeting these ambitious goals” turning higher education into a transformative force for sustainable socio-economic development” in Arab states.
Source and citations from: 6.12.2024.

Key Declaration’s issues
The declaration calls for enhanced cooperation in higher education and scientific research among Arab countries to achieve integration and exchange of expertise and knowledge. It encourages joint research projects between higher education institutions in Arab countries in the field of innovation, leadership, and sustainable solutions to regional and global challenges. It also envisages an enhanced role for artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced technologies in raising the level of higher education.
In addition, the declaration calls for quality and excellence in higher education and scientific research in line with international standards and encourages partnerships between higher education institutions and the public and private sectors to finance joint pioneering scientific research projects that serve priority areas to support economic and social growth in Arab countries.
Furthermore, the declaration calls for academic innovation incubators and start-up companies and the preparation of qualified graduates who meet the changing needs of the labour market in Arab countries.
In addition to academic programmes that focus on sustainability to keep pace with global developments and challenges, the declaration calls for comprehensive education through initiatives that contribute to lifelong learning opportunities for all (SDG 4).
Discussions touched on the activation of the ALECSO Fund for Scientific Research, Leadership and Innovation and the Common Arab Qualifications Framework aimed at standardising academic recognition across Arab countries, as well as the unified Arab system to verify the authenticity of academic certificates and protect them from forgery using blockchain technology.
Citations from: Wagdy Sawahel “The Arab states adopt HE roadmap for sustainable development”, – University World News, The global window of higher education. – 6 December 2024.

Challenges to implementation
Some Arab countries’ experts voiced definite stumble blocks to the Declaration implementation, which include limited funding, ensuring unified quality standards, integrating technology and “overcoming resistance to change”. To address these challenges, noted professor Hamed Ead from the faculty of science at Cairo University and the former cultural counselor at the Egyptian Embassy in Morocco, the Arab governments should increase funding for higher education and research, create training programmes for staff, build collaborative networks and raise public awareness about the importance of these changes.
To address these challenges, a unified regional strategy, increased investment in research infrastructure, and enhanced collaboration between public and private sectors are crucial. Sustainable growth based on renewable energy patterns, can both transform academic research and orient national political economy towards new directions by fostering new research culture for education providers which would be “vital for long-term success in scientific advancement across the Arab world”.
Several Arab universities are not actually interested in attracting foreign students and create internationally feasible education programs, due to language difficulties, visas and residence permits.

    Bottom line: higher education could become a “powerful driver” of sustainable socio-economic development in Arab states. Another important element: the Declaration is not a legally binding document; in serves, generally, as an impetus to positive perspective changes. Therefore, the reformation of national education sectors shall be strongly supported by political will in all Arab countries.

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