Energy issues and LNG in Europe and the Baltics (part II)

Views: 48The second article in the series on European energy and LNG issues is devoted to contemporary situation around gas supply, diversification and consumption in the EU’s member states and the Baltic Sea area. Besides, we’d like to attract our readers’ attention to a new publication revealing complex LNG issues in the Baltic Sea region […]

Energy issues and LNG in Europe and the Baltics (part I)

Views: 66Natural gas currently represents around a quarter of the EU’s overall energy consumption: about one third is used in power generation (including combined heat and power plants) and around 23 percent in industry; the rest is mostly used in the residential and other services sectors. The EU’s gas demand is around 485 billion cubic meters […]

Modern EU energy policy: challenges and solutions

Views: 91European several decade’s energy policy included hundreds of regulations, directives and decisions aimed at optimal use and development of energy resources and networks. During last decade the Union’s energy policy has experienced dramatic changes reflecting global and European challenges. The energy-related triangle: energy, climate changes and environment protection has become a focal point in […]

Green transition in EU: vital modern issues

Views: 57The EU institutions in general and the European Commission in particular have suggested a “European Green Deal”, which had formulated a Union’s strategic policy framework for the EU-27 to push through the transition to green growth. In the latest Special Eurobarometer on climate change (September 2019), about 93 percent of EU citizens considered climate […]

European Union in modern multilateral global system (III)

Views: 55The EU’s long-term political guidance includes ambition participation in global affairs with an idea of becoming a serious player in the world. The article suggests a preliminary analysis of the declared Commission’s “reset-mode” concerning new aspects in the EU’s role in the global political economy and governance: i.e. in geo-politics and geo-economics. Besides, about […]

Commission’s “State of the Union”: European integration priorities for 2022

Views: 121European Commission President’s second in her College time “State of the Union” address to the European Parliament this fall featured EU’s recommendations for the states in “redesigning” further integration process and increasing EU’s role in the world. The annual seemingly modern “reset-priorities” for the next year include some existing directions, like combating covid-pandemic’s threats, European […]

Modern global governance: “anatomy” of the international institutional framework (II)

Views: 47The ultimate aim of the global governance, within the framework of modern trends in multilateralism, tends to orient towards “shaping world’s future”. Such governance’s structures are presently within several official, semi-official and private organisations: some are represented by bodies like G7, G20 and World Economic Forum, others by private and semi-official ones like Bilderberg […]

Modern multilateralism: anatomy of global governance (I)

Views: 39The EII’s research on the role of European integration in modern global governance is aimed at analysis of changes and transformations in the structure of global governing structures and in national political economies. New approaches to national development and growth patterns through new patterns in geo-politics and geo-economies are seriously affecting both the theory […]

European green deal and climate regulations: effects for the member states

Views: 114Recent EU political agenda is aimed at highlighting sustainability in national political economy to a new level: including, in particular, climate mitigation measures (to reach for a climate-neutral EU by 2050) and the “green deal” package; both are forcing the member states to be more active in approving corresponding actions. The EU states governance’s […]

Sustainability in modern political economy: resolving pressing issues

Views: 84The old “political-economy’s” paradigm is facing dramatic challenges: with the two spheres of science involved (i.e. economics and political science), the concept is being “refurbished” towards closer and inherent “unified connections” between the two to concentrate on the most optimal national growth models and peoples’ wellbeing. The latter in particular, is becoming a common […]